
The calendar of meetings for 2025 can be found HERE.

West Dereham Parish Council is part of the lowest tier of local government in England, elected to democratically represent and communicate the views of the community in West Dereham to other higher levels of government, and to act as a responsible guardian of the community’s assets.

The Parish Council has powers laid down in the Local Government Act 1972 and other legislation. Some of its responsibilities include management of open spaces, recreational facilities, allotments, cemetery, provision of dog waste bins. The Parish Council is able to fund other projects where it considers that the community will benefit and it also makes representations to other local authorities and public service providers where appropriate on planning and other matters.

Other services are the responsibility of King’s Lynn & West Norfolk Borough Council – including refuse collection, recycling facilities, planning and building regulations, environmental health, housing advice, noise nuisance – or Norfolk County Council – including highway matters, education, footpaths and bridleways, home care, libraries, public transport, social services, trading standards.

West Dereham Parish Council meetings

The Parish Council usually meets on the first Thursday of every month (excluding January).  The annual Parish Council Meeting is in May.

The Agenda for a meeting is published on the village notice boards and this West Dereham Parish Council website 3 clear days prior to a meeting.  The draft Minutes of a meeting are published within a week of the meeting.

Members of the public are invited to attend the meetings but cannot participate in the discussion.  There is a section of the meeting called ‘public participation’ which is open for public comments. Residents of the Parish are invited to raise issues or give comments for the Council to discuss either at the meeting or at a future meeting.

If you have an issue that needs to be raised on the agenda you are advised to write to or email the Clerk at least 10 days before the meeting.  Alternatively please raise it with a Parish Councillor who can request that it is placed on the agenda.

Conduct of Councillors and Public at Meetings
It is expected that at all times, both councillors and the public will be respectful in their communication and interaction with each other.  The Council’s standing orders give full guidance on the conduct of Council meetings and business.

Councillors are expected to:
– Abide by the Code of Conduct at all times.                                                                            – Withdraw from a meeting or debate where s/he has a discloseable pecuniary interest.

Members of the Public are expected to:
– Address the Council only during the specified time in the agenda for public speaking.
– Not behave in such a way that prevents the normal transaction of the business of the meeting.
– Speak respectfully to Councillors and other members of the public attending the meeting.

Failure on the part of any Councillor or Public to observe the conduct standards set out in the Code of Conduct or Standing Orders may result in the Chairman directing an individual to be silenced or excluded from the meeting, by resolution of Council.  Failure to comply with this request may result in the meeting being suspended or adjourned, or the Police being called if circumstances require this.

Parish Council Vacancies

There is currently 1 co-option vacancy for the post of parish councillor on the West Dereham Parish Council. To apply, please contact the clerk for a co-option form at: clerk@westderehamparishcouncil.uk