

Allotment gardening brings many rewards:

  • providing fresh home grown vegetables, fruit and flowers for you and your family
  • meeting new people within similar interests
  • enjoying a healthy outdoor life with gentle exercise
  • having a quiet place to relax and unwind.

There is one allotment site in West Dereham with plots available to rent from the Parish Council.

How big is an allotment plot?

Plots can be subdivided, so instead of renting a full plot, you could rent a half or quarter plot instead. To give you a rough idea on size, a half size plot would allow you to easily feed a family. To rent a full plot you will need to be an extremely keen gardener and this will allow you to grow lots of potatoes as well as other vegetables.

Who is responsible for the allotments?

The site is managed by the Parish Council.

Allotments can also be rented by those living outside of the parish.  However, in event of a waiting list, residents of the parish receive priority on the next vacant plot.

Plots are rented on an ‘as seen’ basis with new plot holders being responsible for cultivating the plot.  A pro-rata rent is charged for new allotment holders taking on a plot mid year.  The tenancy year begins in September.

How much will an allotment cost?

Full plot – Annual rent £35pa

Half plot – Annual rent £25pa

Quarter plot – Annual rent £20pa


How do I apply?

If you are interested in taking on a plot someone from the Parish Council will meet with you on site to show you around.  You can also view the current Tenancy Agreement here.

Please contact the clerk for further details [email protected]


Allotment inspection dates for September 2024 – September 2025 are:

(decision pending)

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